The Benifits of membership NIC ASHI is dedicated to enhancing the technical skills and professional
NIC ASHI is dedicated to enhancing the technical skills and professional practice of home inspectors, and maintaining high professional standards through education and discipline. This is accomplished through various means such as:
- Educational and networking meetings every 2nd Wednesday of the month, that continually bring topics that either enlighten or reinforce a home inspectors’ knowledge.
- Field events to provide hands on experience to new and seasoned inspectors
- mentor programs and ride-a-long inspections that provide guidance to new inspectors.
Homeway Homes manufacturing plant. Just one of the field events we held in the last year.

Monthly meetings
We hold monthly meetings with one or more educational presentations or to show you the latest technology or systems to grow and expand your home inspection business. You need new skills to effectively serve your clients.
Mark Goodman presenting a Smart Home Class at one of our meetings.
State CE classes
NIC ASHI hosts 3 to 4 State CE classes a year so that you'll never be caught short of State credits for renewal. Just participate in our monthly meetings and you should have more credit than needed for your license renewal.
Student rates
Students can join NIC ASHI for a reduced rate while they are attending approved licensing class. Student memberships are good until you get your license or 12 months, whatever is shorter. Reduced rates apply to membership and monthly meeting fees.
ASHI CE credits.
Most of the NIC ASHI events and meetings qualify as ASHI credits to keep your ASHI national membership in good standing.
Most NIC members are ASHI National members too. It is not required to join ASHI, however you must be an ASHI member to use any of the logos, marketing materials, or accreditations of ASHI and it’s chapters.
Fun and rewarding
NIC ASHI isn't all just about business. Lasting friendships are made when you participate. We are passionate about giving back to our members. We are a 100%volunteer non profit organization. No members or any of the leadership team hold a financial interest in the Chapter. We are fully self funded through our membership dues and fees.
We like to celebrate the Chapters success with our membership. Our annual Holiday Party is one of premier social events of the year and it is free to are members in good standing.
We hope that if you haven't experienced the benefits of membership yet, that you will join us soon. We look forward to having you on board.